Today we’re thinking about our gal pals. As life (very cautiously and very slowly) starts to ease back towards some semblance of normalcy, the one thing we look forward to most is seeing and celebrating with our closest friends. And this of course makes us think about all the amazing bridal party photos we look forward to taking this wedding season.

For many brides, getting ready for their special day with their bridesmaids is an essential part of the morning. Aside from the logistics of getting hair and makeup done, getting to spend the morning with their best friends is a great way to put everyone in the mood to celebrate! We find that this generally helps keeps our brides relaxed and ready for the day. Plus, it usually makes for some great photos.

Whether you get cute matching robes, or pajamas, or think outside the box with other cute matching outfits or accessories, we adore these shots we get in the morning. Of course, this means that everyone has to be ready on time, which can be tricky when dealing with a group of girls (let’s be real, we all have that one friend… or three…) but well worth it. 

We love porch hangs!

Back decks are great too!

Or you could always jump on a boat 😉

Don’t forget the champagne or confetti!

Themed drink glasses for the win…

Bridesmaids are the perfect Christmas present!

And even lounging around together is fun when you’re with your besties!

Whatever you decide to do, who better to have around you helping you get ready for the biggest day of your life than your girls!